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17 Apr 2019 Events
Welcome to the Spokane Regional Community Calendar. These events are submitted by members of the Spokane regional community. To view GSI events, visit our GSI events page here.

Valley Lunch and Learn: Raising Business CapitalApr 17, 2019
12:00 - 1:00 PM
Startup Spokane Community Events | Startup Spokane Events
Business attorney, Rick Repp, principal at Witherspoon Kelley, will discuss raising capital from angel, venture capital and private equity investors and what an entrepreneur needs to know about private offerings. Rick is a business lawyer and principal at the law...
12:00 - 1:00 PM
Startup Spokane Community Events | Startup Spokane Events
Business attorney, Rick Repp, principal at Witherspoon Kelley, will discuss raising capital from angel, venture capital and private equity investors and what an entrepreneur needs to know about private offerings. Rick is a business lawyer and principal at the law...