Community Calendar

Welcome to the Spokane Regional Community Calendar. These events are submitted by members of the Spokane regional community. To view GSI events, visit our GSI events page here.

Leadership Principles

Category: Community Events
February 2, 2020
12:00 AM -
11:59 PM
Location: Online

Designed for Gen Y (born 1980-1999), this course serves as the first of three in a series addressing the development of Generation Y leadership. Become an effective leader and discover your style of leadership. Learn about task completion, building relationships with subordinates, becoming socially perceptive to changes in the workplace, utilizing your emotions in a positive and effective manner, and addressing challenging goals. Conduct a case study analysis of workplace conflicts that requires effective leadership. 1.6 CEUs.

Fee: $145

Dates: 2/3 – 2/28

Location: Online

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