About Us
About Greater Spokane Inc.
Greater Spokane Inc. (GSI) is the Spokane region’s business development organization, focused on building our economy and creating a thriving Spokane region.
We serve as the Spokane Regional Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development organization that supports the success of businesses of all sizes across the Inland Northwest.
Whether your business needs help with regulatory issues, assistance finding available workforce, help with identifying incentive opportunities, raising your visibility, growing or expanding your business, and more, we have staff on hand and programs in place to support your business. We invite you to grow with us.
We lead transformative business and community initiatives to build a robust regional economy.
A vibrant Spokane region where businesses and communities thrive.
Building, growing, and navigating a successful business can be challenging at best. Our staff, our Board of Trustees, Committee Members, and volunteers represent a wide range of individuals from different backgrounds and industries who have come together to create opportunities for your business to thrive.
We do this by creating the place where organizations come together to advocate for the region, drive strategic economic growth, and champion a talented workforce.
Check out the latest issue of Connect Magazine, in partnership with the Journal of Business, published annually in September.
If you are interested in advertising for the 2025-2026 issue, contact your advertising agency or the Journal of Business at 509-456-5257 or [email protected]. Thank you to our member and community partners that support our magazine and contribute content. We appreciate your partnership!
Land Acknowledgment
ʔa st̓úlixʷ (ah stoo-lee–wh / greeting the land / Salish),
We are honored to acknowledge that the Greater Spokane Incorporated office and the various locations of convening for business and events are located on traditional and sacred homelands of the Spokane Tribe. We also acknowledge that the Spokane region we serve spreads across the traditional and sacred homelands of the Confederated Tribes of Colville, Kalispel Tribe, and Nez Perce Tribe. These lands hold indigenous cultural DNA and we are honored and grateful to be here on traditional lands. We give thanks and respect to the legacy of the original peoples, tribal leaders and elders, and their descendants. We pledge to honor their stewardship and values, lem lmtš (lehm lumt-sh / abundance of gratitude / Salish).
On behalf of all GSI staff, Board of Trustees, and our member partners, thank you.