
An image of the Spokane city skyline in Washington State.

Serving Our Community

Committee members come together to connect and address business and community challenges and help forward organizational strategies. Members are partners of GSI and represent a wide range of backgrounds, experiences, industries, and perspectives. 

If you are interested in participating on a committee, contact the staff liaison listed below.

Education and Talent Alliance
The Education & Talent Alliance brings together leaders from early learning, K-12, higher education, and local businesses to strengthen the entire education attainment pipeline to build. Our mission is to build, champion, and retain a talented workforce by addressing complexities, advocating initiatives, and prioritizing efforts that build overall regional economic success.

Chair: Chris McFaul, Horizon Hospice
Staff Liaison: Erin Vincent | (509) 321-3606

Partner Engagement and Growth Committee
The Partner Engagement and Growth Committee enhances the reputation and financial strength of GSI with current and potential community partners. The Committee focuses on engagement platforms that seek and share investor input, provide connections, and address partner and community needs. These efforts confirm and demonstrate the value of the organization’s value, build its reputation, and facilitate further investment.

Chair: Otto Klein, Spokane Indians Baseball
Staff Liaison: Lisa Lewis | (509) 321-3619

Regional Advocacy Committee
GSI’s Public Policy Council serves in a critical advisory role for the Board of Trustees and directs all local, state, and federal advocacy efforts. The Council reflects representation across industries. 

Chair: Christine Varela, DH. 
Staff Liaison: Jake Mayson | (509) 321-3625

Economic Development Committee
The Economic Development committee brings together leaders to deepen their knowledge and understanding of economic development activities undertaken by GSI and our partners. They utilize this information to provide feedback, guidance, and recommendations on projects, programs and work plans that build and strengthen our economic development efforts and ecosystem.

Chair: David Condon, Premera
Staff Liaison: Gary Ballew | (509) 321-3634

Regional Visionaries Committee
The Regional Visionaries committee is comprised of the CEOs and/or highest-level local executives of GSI’s regional visionary investors.  As top investors of GSI and the region, they meet to connect as a leadership group, discuss strategic needs and efforts in the Spokane region, and provide collective feedback to the GSI CEO and Executive Board.

Chair: Carla Cicero, Numerica Credit Union
Staff Liaison: Alisha Benson | (509) 321-3608

Finance and Administration Committee
The Finance and Administration Committee’s provides strategic oversight and monitoring of GSI’s financial resources. The Committee provides guidance and recommendations on best practices for operational excellence, strategic initiatives that support the organization’s mission, impact, and sustainability, and approaches to enhance investor engagement and confidence.

Treasurer: Dan Demchuk, Moss Adams
Staff Liaison: TBD

Forward Fairchild
This committee works to support the Spokane region’s largest single-site employer, Fairchild Air Force Base. 

Chair: Stephanie Curran, Public Facilities District. 
Staff Liaison: Aleesha Roedel (509) 321-3646

Life Sciences Spokane Executive Advisory Council
This committee drives the comprehensive vision for building a robust life sciences industry and includes health sciences education, research, and commercialization. 

Chair:  Jeff Philipps, individual
Staff Liaison: Stacia Rasmussen | (509) 321-3637

Spokane Ag Expo Board
Produces the annual Spokane Ag Expo tradeshow, the Northwest’s premier platform where ag professionals learn more about industry innovation, collaborate and connect with industry experts. 

Staff Liaison: Melisa Paul | (509) 321-3633

Pacific Northwest Farm Forum Committee
Delivers a variety of seminars pertinent to the agriculture industry, where professionals and youth gain valuable information from experts on industry changes, technology, certifications, and resources. Farm Forum is held in tandem with the Spokane Ag Show the first week of February.

Staff Liaison: Diahne Gill | (509) 321-3615

Health Industry Development Group
The Health Industry Development Group is for C-level leaders in the health industry, working to link health sciences to advocacy (public policy) and drive economic development in our region. 

Chairs: Catherine Brazil, University of Washington and Chris McFaul, Horizon Hospice
Staff Liaison: Stacia Rasmussen | (509) 321-3637

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