Alisha Benson, COO of Greater Spokane Incorporated and Board Member of the Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives was joined by Sam Whiting, Director of Global Engagement for Boeing to address tomorrow’s innovative talent at the 2018 National STEM Summit in Huntsville, Alabama.
Speaker remarks focused on industry, education and after school cross-sector partnerships that help to build workforce needs. These partnerships play a significant role in ensuring Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM)-ready future talent.
“The changing role that chambers and business development organizations should play, are playing, and need to play is increasingly important as we work together to solve our talent needs. Business leaders want to build communities and solve big problems and the talent need is a BIG one,” said Benson. “At GSI we have a portfolio of work from early learning to STEM and career connnected learning to adult completion with a focus on partnerships, policy and programs. We believe that policy change and programs don’t happen without solid partnerships.”
Opening remarks were provided by the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, the STEM Next Opportunity Fund, the Alabama Governor’s Office and the Chamber of Commerce Association of Alabama.
As part of its vision to create a thriving economy, Greater Spokane Incorporated staffs and supports the Spokane STEM Network to help fill the talent gap and transform the way we think, learn, work, and live through STEM by enhancing STEM education opportunities for all youth in the region.
This increases the number of students pursuing and achieving success in STEM careers and grows the Spokane regional economy. To learn more about opportunities and STEM community events, visit the Spokane STEM website.
* Photo: Alisha Benson, COO, Greater Spokane Incorporated; and Molly Blankenship, Community Advancement Manager, ACCE