Community Calendar

Welcome to the Spokane Regional Community Calendar. These events are submitted by members of the Spokane regional community. To view GSI events, visit our GSI events page here.

A Cybersecurity Conference – Small but Mighty

Category: Career Connected Learning Community Events
April 27, 2023
8:00 AM -
1:00 PM
Location: Spokane Falls Community College 3410 Whistalks Way, Building 17, Spokane, Washington 99224, US

Students, community members, schools, and city and municipal agency leaders need to arm themselves with the latest strategies in protecting their IT assets and infrastructure. According to Homeland Security’s CISA director Jenn Easterly, small towns are the number one cyber-terror threat.

Learn how to protect yourself and your community from cyberattacks and prevent an all-systems shutdown. In addition to engaging experts, meet other leaders to strengthen your web of influence and strengthen your network.

This event is free and open to students, community members, and community leaders. Join us for light refreshments in the morning and stick around for our networking bagged lunch after the event!

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