Community Calendar
Welcome to the Spokane Regional Community Calendar. These events are submitted by members of the Spokane regional community. To view GSI events, visit our GSI events page here.
Digital Marketing Essentials, Get Noticed! Workshop #3
This is the third workshop of four!
You must register for the first workshop on May 14th!
Inbound marketing works! The principles of inbound marketing have been shown to draw in new customer and establish a brand identity that consumers are familiar with. In our 4 part training, you will master the skills and gain working knowledge of inbound marketing techniques. By producing great content that is relevant to your consumer, you can increase brand awareness and sales!
Come and learn the basics of inbound marketing and how to apply it specifically to your business and customers! Each class is 2 hours of instruction.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – Why it matters
Mission/Vision for marketing your business
Creating an online sales funnel
Website design and creation
Buyers Personas
Buyers Journey
Social Media
Email Marketing
Content and Blogging
Class dates are Tuesdays May 14th, May 21st, May 28th, and June 4th at 9:30 am to 12:00 pm
Registration required.
*We encourage Spokane County residents to talk to us, as there may be a specialized discount rate available.
*We encourage all of those who are low income to talk to us regarding a specialized discount rate.
“Funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration.