Finding Affordable Colleges
Affordability is one of the most important factors in every family’s college search, so we offer as special session where you’ll learn how to find the schools that will provide the most aid and/or the lowest cost for your family. Everyone is welcome to attend. We would love for students and parents to attend together if possible, to facilitate good conversation about this important topic. You might be very surprised by what you learn!
This year we will debut a great tool called Tuition Fit, which lets you review information from actual award letters to find schools that will be affordable for your family!
We’ll also discuss:
How and when to find scholarships
How “expensive” private schools can actually cost less for your family than your in-state school!
Finding affordable out of state options through the WUE program.
Finding schools that will offer great scholarships for your student
How you can save at your local college or university.