FREE WEBINAR – Setting Smart Goals for Your Small Business

Category: Career Connected Learning Community Events
January 19, 2024
12:00 AM -
1:00 PM
Location: ONLINE- ZOOM, SPOKANE, Washington 99202, US

Is business growth falling short of your expectations? Unlock the true potential of your small business’s online presence by mastering the art of setting SMART goals, (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound). Join our transformative workshop, “Setting SMART Goals for Your Small Business,” and learn how to steer your business strategies toward resounding success with a plan to achieve them.


Eileen Dempsey

SCORE Mentor and Workshop Presenter

Eileen Dempsey has been a SCORE Mentor and Workshop Presenter since 2017. She has a Masters of Business Administration from Gonzaga University.

She Mentors and teaches on the following topics: Business Plan, Customer Service, Management & Operations, Marketing, Product Development, Strategy Development, Accounting basics, and Technology.

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