Pottery Place Plus Welcomes Cindy George & Amber Wyckoff as Guest Artists in Feb!
Cindy George has been painting in acrylics for most of her adult life. She likes to paint on small canvas with an edge so that the scene can be continued all the way around, allowing the painting to be viewed from all angles. Most of the subject matter is nature and wildlife of the Inland Northwest. This is what truly inspires her, capturing that snippet in time of Nature’s unending beauty and surprises.
Amber Wyckoff believes jewelry should be worn every day, no matter the occasion. Her artistic vision is expressed through the use of mixed metals; silver & copper. The creative journey begins with raw materials, then she saws, stamps, solders and sets all stones in her pieces by hand. Every piece Amber makes is beautiful yet functional, making it the perfect thing to wear casually or for that special touch at an important event.
Stop by PPP in the Historic Liberty Building this February to see their work ~ stop by First Friday on the evening of Feb 3rd to meet Cindy & Amber in person!