Professional Development Workshop—Flooded Classroom: A Virtual Exploration of a Coastal Ecosystem Workshop
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is excited to offer a virtual professional development opportunity for teachers across Washington state!
Last year some of our researchers collaborated with the Office of STEM Education to create a lesson enhancement resource on the impacts of climate change on coastal ecosystems. The resource uses 360-degree videos taken during actual field research and includes an extensive Educator’s Guide. To share this resource with teachers we are offering a virtual PD opportunity for HS teachers (see attached flyer) with STEM clock hours available from WSTA. There is no cost for the PD, just for clock hours, and the first 15 registered teachers will have clock hours paid!
Teachers who participate in the workshop will have the opportunity to meet and interact with PNNL researchers involved in field research, gain insight into career connections for students, practice utilizing the lesson enhancement, and have in-depth discussions with professional STEM staff and facilitators.