Community Calendar

STEM Saturdays

Category: Community Events, Career Connected Learning Community Events
March 23, 2024
10:00 AM -
2:00 PM
Location: 14000 N Dartford Dr, Spokane, Washington 99208, US

We are excited to announce a brand new STEM Saturdays program out at Camp Dart-Lo! Through this program, youth will ignite a spark, curiosity, and passion for science with hands-on sessions nestled in the heart of our camp. This program will be available for youth in 3rd-6th grade and will take place one Saturday a month. As we gauge interest in STEM Saturdays, we have the ability to create more meetings each month and expand age groups. The cost for each session will be $25.

Youth will embark on a captivating journey through the wonders of science with our carefully crafted curriculum. In a small, engaging group setting, youth will explore topics such as animal adaptations, weather phenomena, and the science behind movie magic. We believe in nurturing young minds and fostering a lifelong love for STEM. The program is designed to inspire and empower young learners, encouraging them to think critically and explore the world of science. We can’t wait for youth to be able to join us for these exciting and learning-filled days!

If you are new to Camp Fire, you will need to create an account for your participant. STEM Saturdays program registration can be found in the Youth Participation Application inside the “Clubs” section.

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