Community Calendar
Welcome to the Spokane Regional Community Calendar. These events are submitted by members of the Spokane regional community. To view GSI events, visit our GSI events page here.
Learn more about becoming a Red Cross Volunteer (Virtual)
The end of summer brings not only back to school sales, but an increase in disasters such as hurricanes and wildfires and often a critical need for blood. The American Red Cross invites you to learn more about our most critical needs for volunteers. We have many opportunities to help you connect your skills, availability and interest with needs in your community. You can make a difference.
Join us!
When: Tuesday, August 27, 2024, 12-1:00 PM
Where: from your computer tablet, or smart phone via Microsoft Teams
What: This is a virtual event that will feature a discussion with Trish DeDolce, an incredible volunteer whose passion for the American Red Cross began in 2008 when they came to her aid after a devastating fire at her home. The support she received went beyond financial assistance; the kindness and compassion of those three angels left a lasting impact on her. Inspired by their empathy, she became a financial donor and, after retiring from Prudential in 2020, she joined as a volunteer on our Biomedical Services Team. This session will include opportunities to talk with a Red Cross representative at the end to answer any questions you may have about becoming a volunteer yourself.
How: Register here or copy and paste this URL in your browser:
Sleeves up. Heart open. All in. Ready to #MakeADifference? Attend the virtual volunteer information fair, visit, or email Kari Strain at [email protected].