Policy & Pints

September 18, 2024
4:00 PM -
6:00 PM

Join us for Policy & Pints, where partners come together to engage in open and civil discussions on contentious issues.

Our new quarterly event series provides:

  • A platform for discussions and diverse perspectives.
  • Connections specific to policy topics, fostering cooperation, and consensus building.
  • Elevating our collective understanding and impact on important societal issues.

At Policy & Pints, we welcome member partners from all backgrounds and viewpoints to participate in meaningful conversations that contribute to our shared community. Let’s raise a glass to constructive dialogue and collaborative solutions!

Pricing includes one drink ticket and appetizers.

Is your organization a Member Partner of GSI? That means you are too! Be sure to login for partner pricing. Not sure if your organization is a member or need login credentials? Contact Rachel Holland

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