Community Calendar
Welcome to the Spokane Regional Community Calendar. These events are submitted by members of the Spokane regional community. To view GSI events, visit our GSI events page here.
What Are Your Financial Statements Trying to Tell You? (SCORE WORKSHOP)
In this SCORE workshop, we discuss the financial statements of an actual small business to look at which accounts businesses should be reviewed on a regular basis and what changes in those accounts could mean to your business. This workshop is for those already running a small business and doesn’t cover setting up an accounting system.
Meet the Presenter: Ron Barkley
SCORE Mentor and Spokane Chapter Chair
Ron spent over fifty years in the banking industry, with most of it spent reviewing loan requests for start-up businesses as well as established businesses. Ron spent the last few years in banking reviewing SBA loan requests of all sizes.
During his years with SCORE, he has mentored clients in the following areas:
* Writing business plans
* Completing financial projections
* Analyzing financial statements from a banker’s point of view
* Preparing loan requests to be presented to lenders.