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GSI Helps Build the Manufacturing Industry & Build Your Business
Manufacturing accounts for nearly 9% of the area’s employment base, employing more than 18,000, and contributing hundreds of millions of dollars to the regional economy. Manufacturing businesses also comprise nearly 10% of Greater Spokane Incorporated’s membership. They range from very small to very large, from those who serve a niche market to those who serve many industries and a broad customer base. Their products and services meet the needs of other businesses, as well as local, state and federal governments.
What Does This Mean for YOUR Business?
- GSI is about helping your business do MORE business and be successful. We help you do this in a variety of ways in manufacturing, as well as in the key connections we can help you make and the important advocacy work we do on your behalf at the local, state and federal level.
- We provide business assistance to companies in the area, helping with expansion, permitting, zoning, and incentives. Our business development and education and talent teams work closely with our higher education institutions to ensure their programs are aligned with the needs of the manufacturing industry.
- We know that working together toward a common goal is key to success for the region. GSI partners with a number of local businesses and organizations including the Inland Northwest Aerospace Consortium, Lean Management Consortium, our K-12 and higher education institutions and many others.
- GSI advocates in Olympia to ensure incentives for manufacturing companies are competitive, saving businesses significant expense and helping attract other manufacturing companies in this region and leads annual business delegations to Olympia and Washington, D.C. to press for key initiatives that support business growth and economic opportunity for the manufacturing industry.
Want to Know More?
For more information or details on how you can get involved, contact us at