
GSI Endorses Statewide Initiatives I-2066 and I-2124 to Protect Energy Choices and Promote Long-Term Care Flexibility

Business Leaders Encourage Spokane to Vote on November 5th

Greater Spokane Inc. (GSI) proudly announces its endorsement of two critical statewide initiatives that protect energy choice and offer flexibility in long-term care planning: Initiative 2066, preserving natural gas as a vital energy option, and Initiative 2124, allowing workers to opt out of the WA Cares long-term care insurance program. Both initiatives represent Spokane’s commitment to balanced, practical solutions that empower individuals, strengthen businesses, and ensure economic sustainability.

Supporting Initiative 2066: Stopping the Natural Gas Ban

I-2066 preserves natural gas as an affordable and reliable energy source, crucial to Spokane’s families, industries, and businesses. By voting “Yes” on I-2066, Washingtonians can prevent disruptive and costly transitions to electric-only systems, safeguarding jobs and avoiding unnecessary financial burdens, particularly on underserved and rural communities.

Alisha Benson, CEO of GSI, emphasizes, “Natural gas is essential to our region’s economic and energy system stability. From manufacturers to local restaurants, businesses rely on natural gas to operate efficiently. Initiative 2066 allows us to maintain energy diversity, without sacrificing Washington’s clean energy goals. Most importantly, it ensures that families and businesses retain the freedom to choose the energy sources that work best for them.”

As temperatures drop in Spokane’s colder climates, natural gas remains a vital resource for heating homes and businesses. With conversion costs to electric alternatives potentially reaching up to $40,000, especially in rural areas, GSI believes that banning natural gas would place an undue burden on our community. Natural gas also offers a cost-effective solution, with energy bills being, on average, 33% lower than electricity bills.

Jake Mayson, GSI’s Director of Public Policy, adds, “At GSI, we advance policies that protect Spokane’s energy choices. Initiative 2066 ensures that we can achieve our climate goals without putting undue pressure on families, small businesses, and industries that rely on natural gas. This initiative promotes energy security, affordability, and sustainability for our region.”

Supporting Initiative 2124: Opting Out of the State’s Long-Term Care Insurance

GSI also endorses I-2124, which gives Washington workers the option to opt out of the state-mandated WA Cares long-term care insurance program. WA Cares imposes a one-size-fits-all payroll tax, providing limited benefits that fall short of the real cost of long-term care. GSI believes I-2124 offers individuals greater flexibility to choose long-term care solutions that meet their personal and financial needs.

Alisha Benson, CEO of GSI, states, “The WA Cares program doesn’t reflect the diverse needs of Spokane’s workforce. Initiative 2124 gives individuals the freedom to explore other long-term care options that offer certainty and financial adaptability, rather than being locked into an underfunded state program. GSI supports policies that provide real solutions to our workers and families.”

WA Cares’ benefits are capped at $36,500—insufficient to cover even a few months of long-term care, with current costs ranging from $7,500 to $14,000 per month. GSI believes that providing an opt-out option empowers Spokane workers to invest in more sustainable long-term care solutions, such as tax-advantaged savings plans or retirement accounts, that align with their unique circumstances.

Jake Mayson notes, “Workers deserve a choice in how they plan for the future, and I-2124 allows them to make those decisions for themselves. The current program is far too rigid, and it doesn’t adequately meet the needs of Spokane workers and families. We need a system that offers flexibility and sustainable options.”

These initiatives and others on the November General Election ballot can be found in GSI’s new Election Center at, a comprehensive online resource for Spokane area businesses and residents, designed to provide timely information about voting deadlines, local ballot measures, and legislative updates throughout the region.

About GSI’s Work in Public Policy

GSI works year-round with the business community at the local, state, and federal level to advance policies that support our businesses and the greater Spokane region. GSI advances policies through its state and federal lobbyist, its Regional Advocacy Committee, Leadership Advisory Council, and Executive Board. Regional Advocacy Committee (RAC) members represent a diversity of businesses of all sizes and industries throughout the Spokane region. The RAC brings policy recommendations to GSI’s Executive Board, which takes a formal vote on issues, weighing the pros and cons based on how they will impact our employers, the economy, and our community. GSI does not endorse candidates. Learn more about GSI’s work in public policy here.


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