GSI’s Economic Development efforts helped bring new business to the area and assisted existing businesses grow. The additional jobs mean more people working and more dollars circulating through the community. We head into 2016 with an optimistic outlook, thanks to a solid 2015.
In 2015, Spokane’s employment growth was nearly double the national rate and the total payroll increase was more than 3% for the second year in a row.
“Current public and private investment is robust … Advances in the University District; private development and revitalization occurring in the vicinity of the new Grand Hotel; the approval of new health sciences and medical school programs … are only a few of many developments that bode well for the city and the region it serves in 2016.”
–Shaun O’L. Higgins, The Oxalis Group, in the Q3 Business Barometer
In 2015, Greater Spokane Incorporated worked with nine companies which will hire more than 900 new employees with a combined direct payroll of $33.8 million. These companies will make capital investments of more than $32 million in the way of new equipment, remodeled space and new buildings. The total annual economic impact is $136.7 million.
Companies new to the area:
- Keystone Automotive is in their new building in the West Plains
- Comcast is ramping up to a total of 750 employees in Spokane Valley while constructing a new building in the City of Liberty Lake
- AMI Metals is leasing a new facility in the City of Spokane
- Applied Pavement Technology opened their first regional office in the west.
Company expansions which included assistance with incentives, regional information, and real estate:
- Seaport Steel has expanded their facility in Airway Heights
- Havana Venture and K-L Manufacturing have expanded and are taking advantage of a local empowerment zone tax deferral/exemption
- Once Upon a Child opened a second retail space in Spokane
- Highwood Global Manufacturing, a Canadian firm, has invested in a new operation in Spokane County
The 2016 recruitment pipeline is strong. Three companies have made visits and declared Spokane as a top choice, an additional 37 companies have requested more information about our area, and we anticipate the announcement of an advanced manufacturing recruit in Q1. Stay tuned!