
Issues That Impact Your Business

Two proposed business-related ordinances are on their way to the Spokane City Council. Greater Spokane Incorporated has requested to review the draft ordinances or information related to these issues from the two entities leading these proposals, however, we have been denied the opportunity.

What we do know is that if your business is within the City of Spokane, these initiatives will impact your business, and we are interested in your feedback.

The basics of the two proposed ordinances are:

Ban the Box: The Center for Justice is working with City of Spokane Council members to make it mandatory for all City of Spokane (employers within the City of Spokane) to remove the box that could disqualify potential employees because of prior criminal convictions. If passed, a background check will not be done until after a conditional offer of employment is made.

Paid Sick Leave: Led by the Spokane Alliance, this proposed ordinance will require that all City of Spokane businesses offer paid sick leave to their employees.

The possibility of a statewide $12 minimum wage is another topic of interest to local business owners. We understand that Western and Eastern Washington have very different demographics and economies, and this is why we need to hear how your business will be impacted by the $12 minimum wage possibility.

We know that small businesses will be affected by these proposed ordinances and state legislative initiatives. GSI believes there is a way to provide opportunities, benefits and support for employees while successfully caring for your business, but we need your input so that we can share your perspective with state legislators and with Chambers of Commerce across the state.

Become part of the discussion : Tell us your story so that we can help you share your concerns about these business issues. Please contact Sandra Jarrard, GSI’s Director of Public Policy.



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