
Our Buy Local Deals

Buy Local Spokane

You already know about the benefits of buying locally, so let’s tell you about our Buy Local Deals.

One great part about being a GSI member is the opportunity to offer a Buy Local deal so other GSI members (or the larger public – your choice) can take advantage of your products and services.

If you take advantage of these Buy Local Deals, you’re helping the local economy by keeping the dollars you spend in our area. Here’s how it works:

If you’re a GSI member, and you’d like some visibility and some additional customers, consider offering a Buy Local Deal. We promote these to our membership and the greater public through our newsletters, website and other avenues, all in an effort to encourage buying locally.

Take advantage of some of the deals, such as….

These Buy Local Deals are especially helpful during the holiday season. If you want to encourage people to buy locally, here are some options:

This holiday season, remember to support your local economy and keep our neighbors working.


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