Community Calendar
Welcome to the Spokane Regional Community Calendar. These events are submitted by members of the Spokane regional community. To view GSI events, visit our GSI events page here.
Inclusion & Equity 101
Guest Speakers: Lacrecia "Lu" Hill and Alex Barrouk
Please join PTAC and ABCD to learn about inclusion as part of your business model:
- What is inclusion?
- How does inclusion support my business?
- What does inclusion look like?
- What are these new words and what happens when I make a mistake?
- Resources
- Q&A after each section
Lu's bio:
Lacrecia “Lu” Hill (she/her/her) has over ten years of executive-level experience, and a drive to ensure people and systems work together to meet objectives. She has modeled her career around the philosophy that supporting personal and professional growth leads to the most effective working environment. She holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology and an MBA. Lu spent most of her career in the non-profit and philanthropic sector, only leaving to take over the family business.
Alex's Bio:
As the founder of ABCD consulting, and a growth strategy consultant, Alex’s role is to serve as your company’s primary care provider: he diagnoses organizations, and helps them find the path to healthier dynamics and growth-oriented models. He sees people, systems, and organizations for their potential rather than focusing on where they are currently stuck.