
Startup Spokane’s New 2016 Quarterly Event Schedule


New for 2016, Startup Spokane is switching things up a bit with our events calendar. Look for a rotating event schedule with three rotating quarterly events- Executive Connect, Entrepreneur Connect, and Bowl & Pitcher. For more information on upcoming events, subscribe to our newsletter, follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and make sure to check our events calendar regularly for these and other community events . Read More about each event and their dates below:



Executive Connect

CEO Leadership Presentation Series

Quarterly – January, April, July, October

Spokane Club

Every other month, start your morning right with breakfast, networking, and the opportunity to learn from one of Spokane’s business leaders about their path of success.

The Executive Connect Breakfast is the opportunity for entrepreneurs, seasoned business veterans, and those just looking for a little inspiration to gather and learn about a Spokane company’s story, and have the chance to ask the questions that relate to you’re own challenges and opportunities.

Next Date: April 21st, 2016. Speaker TBA. Sign Up Here For Email Updates!



Entrepreneur Connect

Startup Interview & Workshop Series

Quarterly – February, May, August, November

Startup Spokane Central

The Ying to Executive Connect’s Yang, Entrepreneur Connect is designed as Startup Spokane’s evening event to host workshops, entrepreneur interviews, panel discussions, pitch panels and everything else that goes good with beer and pizza.

Hosted quarterly February, May, August, and November of 2016, Entrepreneur Connect is the place to engage Spokane’s entrepreneurship community and learn something new along the way.

Next Date: February 18th, 2016. Virtual Reality Company, NovaWake Studios. RSVP HERE.


Bowl & Pitcherkickoffcrowd

Social & Networking Event

Quarterly – March, June, September, December

Startup Spokane Central & Other Locales

Our community’s signature social event for the entrepreneurially inclined, Bowl & Pitcher is a place to not only blow off some steam and meet a few more cool people in the Spokane region, but a place to talk tech and startups, to find business partners and mentors, and to ultimately come together to help keep building Spokane’s startup scene.

Bowl & Pitcher brings together entrepreneurs, local service providers (lawyers, accountants, angel investors, etc) and mentors (successful business leaders) with the goal of connecting these key players in the hopes of furthering the Spokane startup community.

Beer. Startups. Spokane. What’s not to love?

Next Date: March 17th, 2016. Fellow Coworking (WA Cracker Factory Co. Building) RSVP HERE


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