

February 28, 2018

Mike Allen, Spokane Community College Entrepreneur Program Director, talks about SCC’s exciting Startup Academy and Launch Lab programs.  Entrepreneurship education...

February 20, 2018

The Rapid Commercialization Program was exactly what my small business needed at this point in its life. The one-on-one attention...

February 15, 2018

Steve and Megan discuss the Mind to Market program, a new accelerator program and pre-seed investment fund established to commercialize...

February 15, 2018

After more than a year of planning, pivots, and fine tuning, we are excited to unveil the Mind to Market...

February 15, 2018

Steve and Megan discuss the Mind to Market program, a new accelerator program and pre-seed investment fund established to commercialize...

February 13, 2018

Startup Spokane just completed its third year of operations. 2017 was a year full of tremendous accomplishments, some of which...

February 1, 2018

Rapid Commercialization is an ideal one-on-one, week-long fast track for turning an idea into a business. Being a hyper-focused week, it...

January 31, 2018

Join Megan and Steve as they celebrate the accomplishments of 2017 for Startup Spokane as well as the region’s entrepreneurial...

January 31, 2018

Learn about the Northwest Entrepreneur Competition from Sinead Vorhees, Program Director.  The Northwest Entrepreneur Competition (NEC) is the second largest business plan...

January 31, 2018

Join Megan and Steve as they celebrate the accomplishments of 2017 for Startup Spokane as well as the region's entrepreneurial...
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