Innovative Urbanism Symposium
The Innovative Urbanism Symposium brings housing experts to Spokane! Spokane’s University District and the American Institute of Architects Spokane Chapter are hosting the Innovative Urbanism Symposium November 8 – 9th to offer education around the design of successful urban environments. AIA and the UD invite developers, architects, planners and members of our community to attend the Symposium to learn about innovations in housing design.
On November 8th, keynote speaker Sergio Palleroni, Professor and Director of the Center for Public Interest Design at Portland State University, will share research and global fieldwork that can inform housing solutions in our region.
On November 9th, the IUS kicks off with a discussion of housing economics with panelists Kevin Kellogg (Gorman & Co.), Ben Maritz (Great Expectations), and Cruze Thompson (Rural Resources) to explore how communities can develop more creative, affordable housing that meets market requirements.
A conversation around design justice and homeless housing development using a trauma-informed lens features Kurt Creager (Bridge Housing), Denise Henrikson (ecoTHRIVE), and local experts Sharon Stadelman and Dena Carr (Catholic Charities of Eastern WA). The community-informed design panel with Jeff Dade (Aya), Grace Kim and Mike Mariano (Schemata Workshop), and Jess Zimbabwe (Environmental Works) will cover new approaches to housing design that are culturally responsive and inclusive.
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Student rate and continuing education credits for architects and planners are available.