Business Barometer

March 10, 2020

            PTAC. You probably aren’t completely sure what that means, but you might have a general idea that it has...

December 21, 2016

Another strong quarter for the Spokane economy “The 3rd Quarter of 2016 continued to demonstrate the strength that has characterized...

October 6, 2016

Spokane economy continues to hold us better than U.S. “This year’s good economic news continues for our region and, in...

June 9, 2016

Spokane economy outperforming national trends The Spokane economy is progressing at a very good pace and compares favorably to the...

March 15, 2016

Spokane economy is firing on all cylinders “It was a very solid year for Spokane’s economy,” says Steve Scranton, chief...

December 17, 2015

Strong, steady progress for Spokane economy “The Spokane economy is steadily progressing and this quarter’s numbers register a solid performance,”...

October 8, 2015

Second quarter continues positive trends  “When all arrows are pointing in a positive direction, there’s a natural tendency for observers...
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